This blog is going to be a place for us to post some of our crafts and crafty ideas. We are hoping that this blog will be of some inspiration to your crafting needs. We are also going to sale some of our crafts. If you see something that you would be interested in buying, please leave us a comment. Most of the pictures on this blog are just samples of crafts we have made.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Count Down Blocks

These blocks are a cute way to count down to many occasions. Each can count down from 32. Some are more "Christmasy" than others but you can use them to count down to anything; birthdays, vacations, end of school....anything.

Corn Bags

These bags are filled with feed corn. You can either use them as a heating pad or as an ice pack. We use ours for both.
They have a flannel "pillow case" that can be removed and washed.

Turkey Time

Here's a salute to the old sucker tree. We made these turkeys so you can add suckers to their tails. They do look better with Mini Tootsie Pops because the wrappers are a more solid and harvesty color.
And of course, I had to make some blocks too. Dont you love the legs on that turkey?!

Saying Blocks

These are a few of the blocks I made that have different sayings on them. This set ended up with some bubbles that the camera highlighted but I think they're still cute.

Peace On Earth
Laugh Often

Halloween Blocks